How I become a Trekkie and a forefather of "Cyberstalking"

I was so fascinated by this book, The Only Planet of Choice that I began a bid to verify those ideas/knowledge. This was in 1994. I started to trek down those people behind this book when social media was made available in 2005.

The book is a conversational Q&A, in which guests are invited to interview entities transmitted from another "dimension/realm".

Ideas/Knowledge in the Book

In the 90s, this book contains ideas/knowledge beyond my understanding of the world we live in. As with Arthur C. Clarke's third law, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Some of these ideas are:

  • Advanced medical transplant technologies without organ rejections, especially between humans and animal species. This explains our mythological creatures like the Sphinx, Anubis, Minotaur, Mermaid, Chimæra, etc.

  • Element 115, anti-gravity propulsion technology and Space-Time Travel. Probably during the time when Bob Lazar whistleblowing his experiences. 

  • Climate Change is caused by animal farming for human meat consumption.

  • Pollution removal technologies & clean energy using water splitting.   

Some of the famous interviewers are:

  • Andrija Puharich

  • John Whitmore

  • Gene Roddenberry

  • David Hemery

  • John Denver

The editor of the book is Palden Jenkins.